10 Questions About Money

Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and money.”

Here are 10 questions I use to test my heart about money.

  1. Would your satisfaction in life be greater if your income significantly increased?

  2. Would a demotion at work deeply attack your self-worth?

  3. Do you view giving as an obligation or as a joyful opportunity?

  4. Are your annual expenses significantly different from your friends who have a similar income but no real connection with Christ?

  5. Do you feel a responsibility to use the resources given to you to make a difference for Christ?

  6. Do you feel superior or inferior to others because of your job title or income?

  7. Would you do more for others if you had more?

  8. Do you assume people who make more money than you live an easier life?

  9. Do you recognize that everything you have is a gift form God which you do not deserve?

  10. If offered $10 million to denounce Christ, would you take the money?

What question would you add?

Watch this clip to remember what Jesus said you cannot do:

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The post 10 Questions About Money appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.