2020 Marriage Challenge Day 17

Day 17 of the 28-Day Marriage Challenge

Day 17: Love Honors

When you are in an American courtroom and the judge enters the room, everyone stands. You aren't standing for that particular judge, but you are standing for the position they hold. You are standing in honor of justice. On this President's Day, we set aside one day to honor those who have held the highest office of the land. While no one likes every President who has served, we do honor the office.We should honor our spouses. There should be a standard of dignity and respect that comes with being married. It doesn't have to be a dramatic gesture, but there should be a level of routine respect expressed simply because of who they are. My grandmother drove a car for a good amount of her life, but she never filled that car up with gasoline. My grandfather did that. He saw it as his job to take care of her in that way. He honored her. We should honor one another. Honor reminds us of the value of the other person. It announces to others that this person has a unique position in our lives. It tells our spouse that we view them as special and unique.Love honors. Find a meaningful way to honor your spouse.      Application: Ask your spouse what is one thing you could consistently do which would make them feel most honored. Make it your habit to do that thing. Tell your spouse what makes you feel honored by them.                For more, see:5 Things Not to Do to Your Husband in Public5 Things Not to Do to Your Wife in Public