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- 2020 Marriage Challenge Day 23
2020 Marriage Challenge Day 23
Day 23 of the 28-Day Marriage Challenge
Day 23: Love Seeks
Marriage was designed by God. It's why my books Friends, Partners & Lovers is based on Genesis 2 and Happily is from Matthew 5. Until we start seeking God's perspective on our lives and our marriage, we are destined to miss our full potential. One of our greatest chances to know God is down the road of marriage. It, more than anything, can reveal to us our need for God while still reminding us of the power of love. Husbands and wives should seek God separately. They should each have a relationship with God and set out to understand what He desires for them. Yet they should also seek God together. They should recognize God's presence in their marriage and His desire to reveal Himself to them.This is accomplished as they agree to obey the way of God together. They choose to build their house on the things which Jesus values. They worship together, serve together, and seek to please God together. As a husband and wife draw closer to God, they will also draw closer to each other. Love seeks. Application: Read "How to Pursue God Together" and discuss how you and your spouse can have a more meaningful relationship with God. For more, see:Marriage Must Be Bigger than YouGod Can Always Re-Route You