2021 Marriage Challenge Day 9

Day 9 Marriage Challenge

Day 9: Trust Again  

Trust is so important we are going to consider it again today. Think about a simple equation when it comes to trust.Truth + commitment = TrustTrust is built on truth. Without the truth, real trust can not exist. "Nothing reveals a healthy heart like consistently telling the truth." (Fearless Families, pg. 163) It's true for individuals and couples. The heart of your marriage is most exposed by how frequently you deal with the truth. If you continually pretend everything is fine when it's not or you regularly conceal your true thoughts so you don't rock the boat or you lie to one another, then the heart of your marriage is unhealthy. Yet when you value the truth and live in the truth, the relationship can flourish. Commitment is the second necessary component for trust. Without commitment, the truth is too difficult to handle. Yet, commitment allows us to face whatever needs to be confronted because we know we are both going to choose to love. Commitment begins with words at the altar, but it is proven over a lifetime of choices. We show commitment far more than we tell it.When truth weds commitment, a relationship flourishes. Commitment woos truth out of the shadows; truth proves that commitment is real. Both make a strong marriage.Consider truth and commitment. Are either missing from your relationship. Which needs more growth? Click the button below and look at 4 lies you should never tell your spouse. Are any of these lies being told in your marriage?   

Love is easy to say, but just because the words are used doesn't mean it is actually present. Here are five signs a man doesn't truly love a woman.     

Question of the Day

There are some things my spouse won't talk about, but I want to discuss. What do we do? 

Answer: Conversation is often the life-blood of relationships. Anything which begins to hinder open communication could be considered a threat to the relationship. Yet there are circumstances in which some topics are better not discussed. Consider a couple with radically different political beliefs. It might be better not to discuss politics if it can be done in a respectful way. Yet when one spouse refuses to talk about what they do with their friends, that would be a major red-flag. So without knowing the specific detail behind this question here is my encouragement--as a couple, find someone you trust and ask them their advice on the specific topics your spouse will not discuss. It could be a counselor (preferred), pastor, or wise friend. See if you can find a middle ground. (See: The Secret to Good Communication in Marriage


I am not a professional marriage counselor and do not pretend to be. However, if you need help over the next month, don't be afraid to reach out. I can help point you in the right direction. Also, if you have a question, just reply to this email and I might include it in tomorrow's message. I won't use your name or tell your spouse you asked the question.