5 Marriage Trends for 2025

What's Changing And Why It Matters

I’ve never claimed to be a prophet. The number of things I’ve been wrong about creates a lengthy and hilarious list.

Some trends are happening that don’t require deep insight to understand. Many of these trends are impacting marriage. And unless we consider them, those changes will subtly impact our relationships as well.

The first major trend I see for 2025 is marriages will continue to be happier than culture portrays.

If you watch social media, read novels, or go see a movie, you would think that marriage is in major trouble. Good relationships happen outside a lifelong commitment and those who choose to say “I do” are doomed to no sex, deep frustration, and a lifetime of missing out on true meaning. That’s the perception we are given.

But what are the facts?

The truth is, there is a clear marriage advantage. A substantial majority of couples describe themselves as happy (74% according to Barna). Individuals who are married average at least a 10% higher level of life satisfaction. And there is still a longing by many people to be fully seen, known, and loved in a life-long commitment.

While no marriage is perfect, and many marriages do need serious help (while a few should not continue), most marriages are far happier than assumed.

Notice: maybe one reason people don’t recognize how happy many marriages are is because of this one overlooked truth:

The other four marriage trends I see for 2025 are the topic of the two newest episodes of Change The Odds The Podcast. Alongside my co-hosts Adrienne and Blaine Neufeld, I discuss what I see subtly changing about marriage. While the first three trends can have negative consequences, the last two are very positive.

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

I’ve also put a quick read up on changetheodds.com. You can view it here:

In Case You Missed It

My episode about Stay In Your Lane was named one of the best episodes on Focus on the Family in 2024. The little book keeps on making inroads in places and its fun to watch. If you have a book club, small group, or collection of friends, I would highly encourage you to take four weeks and walk through the Stay In Your Lane Bible Study. It’s free and truly helps people apply the principles to their lives.

Here’s the interview:

Are You Working The Odds?

Remember, we have a belief that EVERY COUPLE needs to work on their marriage at least one semester every other year. Our suggestion is to take the odd years of your anniversary dates (Jenny and I will be married for 25 years this year) and use that year to give one semester to some small group work on marriage. Good conent in the midst of great community leads to transformation.

I’ll be leading a few hundread of my closest friends through Becoming Friends Partners and Lovers in late February and all of March. If you are in the Sacramento Region, join us HERE. If you are outside of California, grab a copy and join us online.