7 Favorite Silas Posts In Honor of His 7th Birthday

One of my greatest privileges in life is being a father. Few things are as transformative as the first time you hold your child in your arms. For me, the second time was equally eye-opening.

Seven years ago today I had that experience. As I held Silas, I didn’t feel any of the fear of the unknown I felt with Ella. Instead I felt nothing but deep gratitude toward God and my wife for the privilege of being his father.

I still feel the same.

To me, parenting is far more about appreciation than expectation. While there are many responsibilities I have as a father, there are none more important than my job to feel a deep sense of gratitude toward these years of raising children, being in their lives, learning from them and watching them grow into the adults they will be.

The temptation for parents is to get so focused on everything we are supposed to do for our children that we fail to share this experience with them. I’m very aware this window of parenting is brief and I do everything in my power to appreciate the little moments which I will forever remember—him holding my hand on the way to school (even though he lets go as we get to the door), nightly bedtime talks, and the way he still looks at me as though I can do no wrong.

These are the fun years of parenting. Tougher years probably lay ahead, but those are tomorrow’s battles. Today we celebrate.

In honor of Silas’ seventh birthday, here are my seven favorite posts which he inspired. Obviously the first two are from Funny Friday. As a verbal four- and five-year-old, Silas said some hilarious things. I spent most of those two years trying to conceal a laugh or explain why what he said was so funny.

The next two are serious posts. My favorite moment of parenting Silas in these first seven years came at his darkest moment—losing his grandfather.

The last three are simple life lessons which God taught me through Silas. He didn’t know he was being used to teach his father, but he was.

Two funny:

Two serious:

Three life lessons:

If you want to wish Silas “Happy Birthday,” feel free to leave a comment and I will show him what you say.