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- 7 Proverbs for Facebook
7 Proverbs for Facebook
If there is any place in modern life in need of wisdom it is social media, specifically Facebook. Foolishness abounds.
Few places are as rich with wisdom as the book of Proverbs. With 31 chapters, a good practice is to read the chapter of Proverbs which corresponds with the date.
Consider how these 7 proverbs could influence how we use Facebook:
1. Proverbs 3.13, “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding.”
Facebook is full of many things; verifiable information is not one of them. We must take everything we read on Facebook with a POUND of salt. (Yes, not a grain, but a pound.) One might first hear of something via social media, but they should never assume it is true. Take the information to another source. Read a news story, check it against a major news outlet. Read something scandalous, check it against Snopes. Read about a medical breakthrough, ask your doctor. Read Facebook like it’s the National Enquirer rather than an encyclopedia. (See: Stop Breaking the Ninth Commandment on Facebook)
2. Proverbs 13.16, “Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it.”
One of the great dangers of social media is jealously. A person can easily become envious of another person—their vacation, family, job, or life. If we aren’t careful, we can desire what we think someone else has. Of course we don’t know if the picture is a true representation of their experience and we are certain the picture does not tell the whole story of their lives. Never compare the totality of your life to a simple snapshot of someone else’s. (See: Five Types of Social Media Jerks)
3. Proverbs 16.25, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”
Facebook is a good place to understand the common thinking of the day. If a person isn’t careful, they can give into the shallow arguments and group thinking about many societal issues. While it is good to know what people think about issues, we must make sure our source of wisdom is truly wise. Don’t allow Facebook to define your morality; allow God to define right and wrong.
4. Proverbs 18.13, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.”
Social media should be a place where we listen first and then occasionally respond. However, human tendency is to respond first and then occasionally listen. In every avenue of life we should listen more but especially on Facebook. If we would stop needing to have our opinions heard and start listening to the thoughts of others, we would be more compassionate, in touch, and helpful to those around us. (See: Sometimes You Need a Facebook Timeout)
5. Proverbs 20.3, “It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling.”
Facebook has become a place for fighting. Instead of engaging in a meaningful discussion about issues, many people use it to angrily target messages against other people. With all the misinformation online, it is tempting to feel the need to correct every error which we read online. Yet that desire leads us to a wormhole from which we can never recover. While there is an important time to stand for the truth, it is also important to stay above the fray regarding many issues. This proverb calls it an honor. (See: Don’t Be a Facebook Piranha)
6. Proverbs 25.25, “Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.”
The most underutilized aspect of social media is in spreading good. At its best, Facebook can be a tremendous place to share good news, good pictures, and goodwill. I’ve often considered challenging readers to take a ten day Facebook challenge and to only share positive posts for just over a week. It would greatly change a person’s attitude. While it feels important to fight against something, it is far more vital to encourage others. (See: Like, What If Facebook Is Right?)
7. Proverbs 31.30, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Facebook doesn’t cause divorce, but it is the avenue which many people use to be unfaithful to their spouses. Both sexes should beware when they are using Facebook to fulfill emotional needs. Men, especially, need to make sure they are more drawn to a wise woman rather than deceived by pictures on social media. (See: You Will Have an Affair If…)
What is your favorite proverb which could assist in how we use social media?
The post 7 Proverbs for Facebook appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.