Pay Attention to the Bedroom

intimacy often reveals attention

Attention is the most significant issue facing marriages today. As we experience the Attention Economy, companies have made it their mission to gain our time so that they can sell to us and actually sell us. Unable to multi-focus, as major corporations (think Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc) win our attention, those we love the most lose our attention.

The evidence is all around us. A simple poll of a few thousand people revealed that 85% of couples say that they don't regularly have their spouse's attention and/or can't easily get it when needed. If our loved one isn't accessible to us, their love might be sentimental, but it's not useful. Being unloved and being loved by someone who doesn't see our hearts may not be any different.

While lack of attention has ramifications in every aspect of our lives, one place in which an abundance of attention has the most benefits and a lack of attention has the most negative consequences is in the bedroom. Good sex is often the result of good attention. Bad sex (and no sex) is often the consequence of poor attention.

Consider how attention impacts our intimacy.

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