August 27, 2020

In Chaotic Times, Quiet the Voices

Be Intentional.

Intention is always important, but it may be even more important in the times in which we live. Here are five places/ways to be intentional:

In chaotic times, we must quiet the voices. Now, more than ever, we need to intentionally limit who has access to our ear. Read


In life we all make mistakes, but how we handle those mistakes determines everything. Consider the story of Jerry Falwell Jr. and read the article


My kids returned to in-person school this week. Here is what I prayed for their teachers which might be a good prayer for you to consider today:

When watching the news, we often fail to consider the headlines within a Biblical perspective. It's a hard article to take to heart, but consider "


Of course, I can't leave you without something to encourage your marriage. Intention is my favorite marriage word. Remind yourself of

Thank you for your time. If I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know. It's hard to believe we are coming up on the two year anniversary of

and nearly the four year anniversary of

. I continue to hear feedback from the books and am grateful they are helping others.

