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- Avoid This Corner At All Costs
Avoid This Corner At All Costs
Humanity is at our most dangerous when we operate at the intersection of arrogance and ignorance.
Neither street is good, but we can navigate through life down either one as long as we never hit the crossroads of the two.
It’s a corner which carries horrific consequences. While we should never find ourselves there, we often do. And when we do, the consequences are most often inflicted upon others. They are experienced by our spouses, children, co-workers, and communities almost to a greater extent than ourselves. Even though we are the ones who foolishly dwell on the forbidden corner, others pay for our mistakes.
Ignorance Street is unavoidable. We all travel the road often. Try as we may, we can never erase this street from our map. It’s part of being human. (See: What to do Right When You’ve Already Done Wrong)
Thankfully we live in a day in which it’s a road we do not have to travel as often. Never has there been a time in which so much information has been so widely accessible to so many people. While we will all find ourselves on this street, when we do, we can identify our ignorance, take steps to expand our knowledge, and learn new skills.
While we all must travel Ignorance Street, we do not have to do so for long unless our stubbornness or apathy prevents us from making a turn.
Arrogance Street is the street of our own choosing. No one forces it upon us. It is not a mandated road toward our destination.
We build this street with our own foolishness, pride, and self-confidence. Every sign tells us to detour, but we forge our own path. It’s the only road we want to take and this route would be possible if it wasn’t for the nasty intersection of Arrogance and Ignorance. (See: Two Steps to Solving 90% of Relationship Issues)
It’s at this intersection that we:
think we don’t need help with our marriage or refuse to seek the help we need
have no one in our lives who can tell us no and even if someone did we wouldn’t listen to them
assume all of our problems are caused by someone else
live in denial of the consequences of our decisions
feel like our lives are beyond our control
believe others are holding us back
think we deserve better than the people who are in our lives
There is no place uglier than the intersection of Arrogance and Ignorance.
Look around and you will see many people standing there. (See: The Voice–What Blake Shelton Knows That You Don’t)
While Ignorance can be diminished, it can’t be eliminated. And because it can’t be eliminated, we have only one choice—no longer travel the road of Arrogance. As fun as it is, as wide as the lanes, and smooth as the ride—it is a road we cannot afford because the moment Arrogance crosses Ignorance we are in grave trouble.
Because Ignorance is a guaranteed aspect of humanity, we must approach it from the intersection of Ignorance and Humility. (See: The Humility of Birth)
Humility Street isn’t nearly as appealing. It’s a more narrow road, a bumpier ride, and a struggle to go every mile. But it is the road we must travel because only humility will keep our ignorance from doing true damage.
Humanity is at its worst at the intersection of Arrogance and Ignorance.
The post Avoid This Corner At All Costs appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.