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- Does Bernie Sanders Hate the Constitution (or Just Christians)?
Does Bernie Sanders Hate the Constitution (or Just Christians)?
Bernie Sanders either hates the 1st Amendment or is anti-Christian. I don’t know of another option. Sanders has vowed to vote against the Trump administration’s nominee for deputy White House budget director based on a religious test. Russell Vought, a Christian, has communicated traditional Christian views regarding one’s relationship with God. Believing the only way to know God is through Jesus, Vought has communicated that those who reject Jesus stand condemned before God. This includes those from other religions or those who have no religion at all.
In response, Sanders has accused Vought as being Islamaphobic and unAmerican. What Sanders has failed to realize is his own anti-American logic. Using Sanders thinking, no Christian has a right to be in public office because of the exclusive claim of Jesus. Beyond that, no person of faith would have a right to serve in office because every faith would believe aspects of other religions is wrong.
It’s another example of modern thinking regarding religion. Society says, “believe what you want, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs into the public square.” Of course, if Vought was trying to hinder the freedoms of Muslims, Sanders would have every right to speak against those actions. But Sanders has no such evidence. Instead, Vought’s unforgivable sin is for supporting Wheaton College (a religious school) for firing a professor who proclaimed ideas contrary to Christian doctrine (if you say all religions worship the same God, you should expect to lose your job from a Christian school).
Sanders is revealing the commonly held belief regarding faith. Religion is accepted as long as it is kept in private, but as soon as it is made public, the religionist is labeled as being filled with hate. (See: God Isn’t Just the Man Upstairs)
Check Yourself
Christians have every right to be livid regarding Sen. Sanders thinking. However, as we defend one of our own, we must also check our own actions. Sadly, if Sanders used this logic against a Muslim, many Christians would support him. Ironically, Sanders is doing the same thing President Trump is doing. They are using a religious test to determine involvement in American life. As Trump wants to ban Muslims from America, Sanders wants to ban Christians in America. Both are wrong.
As a Christian, I fully support a Muslim in political life. I expect them to have beliefs regarding my faith and religion. Those beliefs should not hinder them from treating me fairly under the law, but I do not believe they should stay silent regarding their deeply held convictions. Even as they apply the law to me, they have every right to promote, communicate, and actively speak their religious beliefs.
The joy of America is that people can strongly disagree theologically, yet we can find common ground through similarly held beliefs about freedom, democracy, laws, and individual liberty. This unity is not found by silencing religious differences. It’s found in the healthy debate of those differences.
Identify Your Friend
One of the fun things about America is that we fight against people on some issues and then fight alongside them on others. Even though I disagree with other religions on theological issues, I stand beside them on issues of practicing their religion in the public square. On this issue, Christians, Muslims, and every religious person must stand alongside one another and against a secular society which seeks to silence religious ideas and practices. (See: How Persecution Will Come to America)
If the Muslim community wants to build a place of worship in my community, I will stand for them in their right to build such a place.
If a Muslim pharmacist wants to refuse to dispense birth control because it’s against their religion, I will stand for their right to practice their faith.
If a Muslim citizen wants to run for political office, I will question them on policy, but will not create a religious test regarding their participation.
Bernie Sanders is wrong. And what is sad is that no one seems to notice or care. I realize it’s a crazy time in American politics. But very quietly, Sen. Sanders is promoting an ideology which will eventually deeply impact people of all faiths. If religious people don’t stand together on this issue, we won’t be allowed to stand for anything in the days to come.
Does Bernie Sanders hate the Constitution or just Christians? Truth is, I don’t think he hates either. I believe he has simply bought into a false belief that religion belongs in private and has no place in public debate. Sadly, as he seeks to protect the Constitution, he doesn’t realize he is violating it.
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The post Does Bernie Sanders Hate the Constitution (or Just Christians)? appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.