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Change The Odds Newsletter
Issue 7, Vol. 1
October 5 - October 18 | ISSUE 7, VOL 1 |
B I - M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R
In this week’s edition of The Change The Odds Newsletter, we look at the issue of faith and marriage. At its best, marriage is about more than just us. Our love should benefit the lives of those around us.
Before you read the articles, catch THIS podcast I was on with a long-time friend this week. We discuss one of my favorite topics—Designing the Marriage You Want.
Of the following, which would you most like to increase in your marriage? |
Articles for this issue
Kids and sports. It’s a difficult issue for many families. Consider the following article, Faith, Family & Football, to look at two vital questions when it comes to the impact of sports on families.
Faith is a private matter, but it has very public consequences. Read the following article, What Does It Meant to Have a Public Faith, and consider the ways we are called to live our faith in public ways.
Work THE ODDS At Change the Odds, we encourage every couple to work the odds. Take the odd year of your anniversary date and spend at least a semester in a marriage study with a small group of people. Beyond that, do several activities each year—attend a marriage conference, go on a retreat, plan date nights, etc—in order to work on your marriage. If you work the odds, it will change the odds. | TAKE A CLASS |