Day 13, 28 Day Marriage Challenge 2022

Day 13 of the 28-Day Marriage Challenge

Day 13: Neither Apathetic Nor Aggressive

God has given you strengths. Those strengths are intended to always be used for the good of those around you, specifically your husband/wife and children. However, when sin abounds, we take our God-given strengths and use them to the detriment of the very ones we are called to protect. In Happily, I write, "Actively avoid both apathy and aggression." (pg. 76). We are called to confront problems, have conversations, ease tensions, etc. Yet the temptation is for us to either be apathetic--living in denial, avoiding issues, emotionally shutting down--or to be aggressive--yelling, making biting comments, being forceful. Neither are helpful. Both are an attempt to conceal our hearts.Instead, we should engage the strengths God has given us and fight alongside our spouse against whatever issue we may be facing. Fight the problem, not your spouse. Engage your heart in the process rather than hiding behind apathy or aggression. Application: Consider which is your go-to response--apathy or aggression. Give your spouse permission to call you out on it the next time they see it at play. For more, see:The Warning Sign of a Bad Marriage You Might Miss5 Signs Your Relationship Is Dying