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- Why I Discourage Christians from Politics
Why I Discourage Christians from Politics
On occasion people call me and ask for advice. It is my job to give the best advice I can based on the information I have and the person to whom I am speaking. Sometimes this leads to conflicting advice.
The leader of a corporate search committee called me. His organization was in chaos and the board needed a strong CEO who could dramatically change the culture. He asked if I had any ideas. I did. Without hesitation I told him exactly who the company should hire. The candidate was smart, strong, and savvy. She would not only make a stellar CEO, but would also be a tremendous asset to the community.
The next week I received a call from my suggested candidate. Out of the blue she had received a call from a company about becoming their CEO. The search committee told her I recommended her. She called to ask why I thought the job was right for her. “It’s not,” I said. (See: Jesus, Leadership, and the Courage to Serve)
Confused she asked me to clarify. I told her in my opinion they should hire her but she shouldn’t take the job. She is exactly what they need, but they are the last thing she needed. The company was in too much disarray and it just wouldn’t be worth her effort. However, if she wanted the job, she was the perfect candidate.
Whenever I think about the current state of American politics and Christian faith, I think the situation is similar to the corporate job and my friend.
Never has there been a time in which I would encourage the need for good people of faith to be involved in the world of politics.
Never has there been a time in which I would discourage good people of faith from involving themselves in the world of politics.
I cannot fathom a situation in which I would encourage an individual to run for political office. (See: Jesus Isn’t as Conservative or Liberal as You Think)
In today’s climate it is impossible to abide by Biblical teaching and get elected to public office.
To encourage a Christian to run for state-wide or national office is to encourage them to endure one of two fates:
1. Certain defeat.
2. Disobedience to basic Biblical principles.
Neither seem like something I can in good conscience encourage a friend to endure.
These are the options because the current political climate does not tolerate truth, honesty, discernment, nuance, or wisdom. Instead, it values deception, immediacy, denial, and everything contrary to well-thought-out truth.
Consider: (See: Read This Before You Die)
Can someone become President or Senator without lying?
Can they win without turning a blind eye to evil done in their name (think outside political action committees)?
Can they be successful without twisting the words or votes of an opponent?
Can they gain votes without simplifying their opponents objections?
Sadly, many Christians and pastors have concluded the “ends justify the means.” Of course this idea is in no way Biblical. Jesus would never make that case. Yet seeing the great need in Washington and our state capitols, good men and women have chosen to do whatever necessary to get elected while assuming they will operate truthfully while in office.
Of course all evidence points to the opposite. Washington is not full of bad people (although there are many bad people there); instead the system of Washington doesn’t allow good people to operate the right way. Our system takes good people and makes them do bad things. Each individual is responsible for their actions, but we are responsible for the system.
It’s possible for Christians to be involved in local politics without acting against their faith. But I see no evidence that it is possible to do so in national politics.
I just watched a debate between two people I like running for a prominent office in my state. Both men seem good at heart. But both are lying. Both are doing whatever it takes to gain votes. Both are ignoring what outside groups are doing in their name to smear their opponent. I eventually turned off the debate because if I kept watching I would have ended up disliking both candidates.
That isn’t fair to the candidates. They are good men with good hearts. But the system is broken. We would never vote for someone who told the truth, who: (See: This Would Change Politics as We Know It)
called us to make difficult sacrifices for the sake of the future
told us what we didn’t want to hear even though it’s true
listened to others and changed his/her opinion based on new information
ignored party leaders and did what was right
humbly considered the opinion of others
If a candidate did that, they would certainly lose. So good people have the option—they can lose or they can lie. Sadly, many choose to lie.
I know many will disagree with my opinion. They will decry the current state of politics of our country and will scream of the need of good people involved in politics. I understand and appreciate their thoughts. But I strongly disagree that a Christian can claim the “ends justify the means.” Either a Christian gets elected while living out his/her faith in the election process or they reject office all together.
Unfortunately, I can’t imagine a scenario in which success is possible. So a Christian can either try to make a point by losing or they can simply choose not to run. (See: Three Loves to Change Your Life)
If the leader of a political party called and asked who should run for Governor, Senator, or President, I would have a short list of several people who would make the perfect candidate. Yet if that person called and asked me if they should run, I would say, “never.”
The post Why I Discourage Christians from Politics appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.