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- Environment: Control What You Can Control
Environment: Control What You Can Control
This is episode five of The 7 Series: Parenting. In this episode we begin to discuss the “how” of parenting. Environment and conversations are the two primary avenues through which a parent expresses their authority and love while allowing a child to experience the power of choice and consequence.
For more on the topic of environment, see One Thing Parents Control.
Show Notes:
The What of parenting: Choices and Consequences
The How of parenting: Environment and Conversations
The Who of parenting: Faith
20 Ideas About Environment and Parenting:
1. Environment may be the most overlooked aspect of parenting.
2. The younger our children, the more we control their environment.
3. Everything has an environment (a culture): an assumed way in which we do things.
4. Sadly, too many parents allow their kids to live in an environment which is formed by accident, not intention.
5. Consider choices and consequences: the environment we provide often determines the choices our children make.
6. Part of a healthy environment prevents a child from facing a choice before they are ready.
7. Intention is the key thought of environment.
8. Environment is determined on the answer to the question: who do we want to be?
9. Find the gap between who you are and who you want to be. (See: What Every Parent Should Look For)
10. When the environment is violated, the violator must be called out.
11. Kids will grow up assuming the environment in which they were raised is the right way.
12. It is not our job to judge other environments, but it is our job to form the environment we desire for our family.
13. Environment is not just about place; it’s also about relationships: How do we interact with one another? How do we handle mistakes? Do we trust one another?
14. Environment determines how we operate.
15. When done well, environment gives a child routine, predictability, stability, and comfort.
Here are the two posts I reference about cell phones and televisions: Five Rules for Every Teenager and Why We Don’t Have a Television in the Bedroom
16. Children should slowly be released into new responsibilities and environments.
17. Your kids need to see you submitting to your chosen environment.
18. Consider the top five issues most important to your children: think about how important sleep and eating are to their success.
19. Sometimes by the choice of environment we limit the choices our kids have to make.
20. Repetitive bad choices by a child should cause a parent to reconsider the environment.
The post Environment: Control What You Can Control appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.