A Family Update and the Best of August

In case you missed Jenny’s update on Softly Strumming, her last day at Williams/Crawford was on Friday. Beginning Tuesday, she will start work at JThompson MMC (media, marketing, and consulting).

While her time at Williams/Crawford was a great partnership for 11 years, we feel this will be a better fit with our family. She is capable in all areas of marketing, but is best known for her media buying skills. If you, or someone you know, buys regular commercial time in TV and Radio, let us know.

I keep trying to get Jenny to guest post on my blog, but for some reason (her Dad, her own blog, starting a company, being a mom, and being married to me) she thinks she has enough to do.

I’m working on a series of blog posts which are answers to your questions. If you have a question, please leave me a comment and I’ll get to it.

In case you missed them, here are the 5 most read posts from August:

1. I Wouldn’t Sleep With You Either In less than a month, this became the second most viewed post of all-time. The only post which has more views and shares is What if Trayvon Martin Was My Son.

2. The Most Overlooked Characteristic of Who You Want to Marry This was my favorite post of the month. It’s truth is probably better understood by those who have endured something within their marriage.

3. What Every Parent Should Know as Kids Start Back to School It’s true year round. Kids are more stressed than we realize and they lack the ability to cope with that stress. This is a good reminder.

4. Pastoral Advice for Single Women It was a relationship heavy month on the blog. This post received some interesting responses.

5. Parenting: Too Involved, Not Involved Enough I’m thinking of writing more on parenting (maybe once a week).


While it didn’t make the top 5, the most read Funny Friday post of the month was On George Straight, a First Kiss, and Seminary Women.

Have a great Labor Day weekend.

Leave a question or topic of what you would like for me to cover in September.