Father's Day 2017

Kevin Durant's mom, your dad, and being spiritually drained

Happy Father's Day Weekend

Extended Family Can Be Challenging

Jenny and I are fortunate to have the family we have. Every week I interact with people struggling with extended family. If you have a mother-in-law, read my new article: Think Twice Before Marrying Kevin Durant. If you are a mother-in-law, read it twice.On Monday, I published Are You Spiritually Dehydrated. Use this simple test to diagnose your soul. Play the sermon in the background at work or as you go to sleep. I think it will be meaningful to you. Special thanks to our friends at John Brown University for their support of our website. If you are looking to complete your degree or need to help with family counseling, consider JBU.

Father's Day

I hope you have a happy Father's Day weekend. I'm blessed with a good dad and find fatherhood to be one of my greatest joys. Here's this year's Father's Day article along with a couple of suggested reads from the archives.

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