Friends, Partners, and Lovers Launch Team

Get my book for FREE! 📘

Join the Launch Team for Friends, Partners, and Lovers.

In six weeks, my next book

will be published. Before it hits stores, I want to give you the opportunity to get the book for FREE. Because you are a subscriber to my email list, you deserve the first chance to receive the book. 

While I'd like to give the book to everyone on my list, that's not feasible (unless you want to donate $128,000). What the publisher has agreed to do is to give the book to 200 people who agree to be on my Launch Team. This group of people will assist me in getting the word out before the book publishes on May 2. (To join the team, fill out this


Here is what you get

As a member of the Launch Team, you will receive:

  • An autographed copy of the book two weeks before publication

  • Membership into a private Facebook group with behind the scene stories and insights

  • All the Bonus Gifts which will be given to those who pre-order the book, including a 7-part small group video series with study guide

What the Launch Team Does

As a member of the Launch Team, I'll ask you to do three things:

  1. Via social media, encourage others to buy the book.

  2. On May 2, post a short review of the book on Amazon or Goodreads.

  3. Consider buying a book or two to give to friends.

That's it. 

How to Join the Launch Team

To join the Launch Team, simply fill out this

. Remember, it's limited to 200 people so act fast.

Thank you for subscribing. If you have any questions, just respond to this email.

