January 30, 2019

What Men and Women Get Wrong About Sex

The 28-Day Marriage Challenge kicks off on Friday, February 1. I'm asking couples to spend 2 minutes a day, every day, for one month thinking about their marriage. I'll send a brief email with one idea, a short encouragement, one action step, and a printable graphic to help you. This challenge will not be on social media so you have to sign-up


Early this month I was recording a podcast with four women about sex in marriage (I'll send you the link when it publishes). Before the show began, we stumbled into a discussion about problems in marital intimacy. We discovered something which both

. Give it a read.

Tonight I published a new article. I have noticed that the first question I ask about issues is a question which Jesus never asked. Do you ever ask it of yourself? See:

I hope all is well. Please sign up for the challenge and share it with your friends on social media.

