June 22, 2017

10 Ways to Express Love in Small Ways

I love the concept of this new article--

. So often we think love demands big things from it, but we overlook the power of small expressions of love. Take a look. Today is our 17th wedding anniversary. I'm grateful to be living this life with Jenny and she is a great example of someone who regularly expresses love in small ways. (For an anniversary flashback article, see:


One article did better than expected this week on the website--

. The response to the article reminded me how stressed/pressured many of us feel. Give it a read.

Jenny and I both turn 40 this year and for our birthdays we have chosen trips. I'm still planning mine, but we are about to take hers (see what I did there). We will be promoting the

along the way. Follow me on

to stay up to date on where we will be.

Have a great weekend.