June 28, 2019

Where have you been?

Where have you been? That's a common question I jokingly ask people when I've been on vacation. Often times, they will quickly start explaining why they haven't been in church. I then tell them I had been gone and they are unnecessarily confessing. Ha. 

So I have taken some time off from writing. Over the spring I finished a rough draft of my next book. I hope to announce it to you in the coming months. But having completed that project, I needed a break. 

In the last week, I've written several new articles. The first is in response to historic flooding we've had in my hometown. Have you ever considered the economic impact a church brings to its community? Most haven't. Yet the flood allowed me to run some numbers and I was surprised by the results. Read


I've recently had a parenting revelation. It hasn't greatly transformed what I do when parenting, but it has given me much more empathy toward my children. Read


Finally, Ella's birthday is on Monday. While I've done a lot of media over the past few years, I have not given many interviews about Ella. Last month, I made an exception. Find out about the interview


I hope all is well. If there is any way I can assist you or your family, please respond to this message. If you have a moment, go to Amazon and leave a review of



