Is Lance Armstrong Good or Bad?

After years of denial, Lance Armstrong reportedly admitted to Oprah Winfrey he used performance enhancing drugs reversing years of denial and ending debate over whether the seven-time Tour de France winner was rightfully stripped of his titles.

With this admission some want to deny every positive impact Armstrong has made on society.

Despite this admission some want to ignore the deception and vile Armstrong aimed at those who attempted to tell the truth.

It raises a question: Is Lance Armstrong good or bad? Is it LiveStrong or LieStrong?

By some, Armstrong is rightfully called a hero:

  • He overcame amazing odds to beat cancer

  • He used his experience to raise millions for cancer research

  • He volunteered hundreds of hours to charity

By some, Armstrong is called a villian:

  • He cheated

  • He lied

  • He used his influence and fame in an attempt to destroy anyone who told the truth

Is Lance Armstrong good or bad?

While the public debates this issue, the Bible gives a clear answer. Armstrong is good and bad. Armstrong is human.

This is our story.

We are good. Created in the image of God, every human being has the capacity to do good. Because of this image, humanity stands above creation as special and unique. We are not machines. We are not merely mammals. We are human beings made in the image of God.

We are bad. By our own choosing, humanity sinned against God and now live with the consequences of that rebellion. Every human being has the capacity to do evil. No one is exempt. Human beings are fallen people in a fallen world.

This is the Biblical story of humanity. It’s true of Lance Armstrong; it’s true of me; and it’s true of you.

Human nature explains why good people can do bad things. It explains why bad people can do good things. It explains why loved ones disappoint you and why, if you look hard enough, political opponents can surprise you.

In attempting to explain humanity, some try to diminish our place in this world. They say we are mere machines, a collection of genes which have no choice of how we act. Others say we are just animals, no different than any other breathing organism in this world.

Some try to exalt humanity. They say we have the ability for perfection. If we think enough, evolve enough, are governed enough, we can overcome all human failings.

Neither story is true. We are not good. We are not bad. We are both good and bad.

We are good because God loves us.

We are bad, so we need God’s love.