March 2, 2018

What Every Wife Deserves

No wife is perfect, but every wife deserves these four things. The first one is the most difficult for men. See

. If you have a husband who gives you these four things, thank him. 

I just published tomorrow's post. For the past two weeks, there has been a lot of talk about God and schools. Read:

Monica Lewinsky made news this week by reflecting on her relationship with President Clinton. It got me to thinking

I find it interesting that a lot of women liked this post, but men did not. That means more men need to read and listen. 

Only have one minute? Watch

from Sunday. The way of love is difficult, but it's a better way to live.

Many of these articles have one thing in common--the need for help. Whether it is marriage, an affair, or working with kids in school, we need more people who spend their lives helping others. If you've ever considered a career in a helping profession,


If I can assist you or your family in any way, please don't hesitate to respond to this email. I personally read and respond to each one.

