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What Men Can Do For Marriage
Men dictate the climate of a marriage.
It is not a universal truth. There are obvious exceptions. To apply this concept to any individual marriage can cause great harm.
Yet it is generally true.
As a man goes, so often goes the marriage. (See: This Is the Kind of Husband I Want to Be)
Show me a man who is:
passionate about marriage
sacrifices for his wife
listens well
shows humility
works on himself and his marriage
welcomes accountability
surrounds himself with good role models
continually turns toward his wife
And I’ll show you someone who probably has a tremendous marriage.
In almost every situation, a man who has these qualities will be rewarded with a wife who reciprocates his actions.
There are exceptions. I know men who have done nearly everything right and they do not receive the same actions in return. They work hard, but their wives are selfish, foolish, and single-handedly destroy the marriage. It is tragic. My heart breaks for them. But it is the exception and not the rule. (See: What Your Husband Wants From You in Bed)
In most cases the climate of a marriage is determined by the man.
Maybe this is because women are naturally better at relationships.
Maybe it is because they have less pride.
Maybe it is because they express their emotions better.
But whatever the reason, I have noticed the pattern that when men engage, most often their wives do as well.
This is a great opportunity. In most situations, if a man wants a better marriage, he can have one. If he is willing to take the lead, to set the climate, and to do the work to build a strong marriage, most wives will join their husbands in this pursuit.
Four Steps for a Husband Who Wants a Better Marriage:
1. Look at yourself. Are you doing the things listed above? Do not look first at your spouse, but look at your own actions and attitudes? Do you have people in your life who can hold you accountable? Are you learning what it means to become a better husband? Are you taking specific steps to improve your marriage?
2. Tell your wife why you love her. Any problem must be confronted within the framework of love. Reaffirming that love is a necessity before any progress can be made on an issue. This isn’t an “I love you, but…” kind of statement. Regularly inform your wife of the depth of your gratitude and appreciation for her. From this love, a couple can pursue a deeper and more meaningful relationship. (See: Five Ways a Husband Respects His Wife)
3. Describe to your wife what kind of marriage you would like. Whenever a spouse wants more out of a marriage, that is a good desire. However, the expressed need of wanting more isn’t always appreciated by one’s spouse. Many times the tension arises because the focus is placed more on the present unhappiness than the future possibility. Before getting into the specifics of what might need to be improved, communicate a vision of what could be. What would a better marriage look like? What would be the benefit? What do you want? Almost without fail, communicating that you want a better marriage is the equivalent of telling your spouse, “I love you so much that I want more of you.” It is difficult to be upset when someone desires more of you.
4. Take steps to get help and invite your wife to join you. If you want a better marriage, you should do something about it. There is no need to wait on your spouse. You don’t have to see if they will join you in improving. You can create a plan and start working toward it. As you do, I would recommend inviting your spouse on the journey with you. Begin counseling, read books, seek a mentor couple, or take some other proactive step toward improvement. (See: 13 Questions to Gauge If You Need Marriage Counseling)
It’s not a scientific study, but my personal observation leads me to believe that a majority of marriages are dictated by the man. He sets the climate which often defines the relationship. Where a man is passionately involved in making the marriage better, the marriage often thrives. Where he is apathetic or antagonistic toward a healthy relationship, the marriage often dies.
The post What Men Can Do For Marriage appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.