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- No One Made Me Do It (Sermon Summary)
No One Made Me Do It (Sermon Summary)
“In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” Job 2.10
If anyone had an excuse for sin, it was Job.
In one day he went from the richest man in the land to total poverty; he lost nearly every work associate to death; and his ten children were tragically killed.
In a second day, he went from complete health to overwhelmingly sick. His body was covered with painful sores and he was unable to keep the worms from feeding off of them. He suffered from fever, chills, diarrhea, delirium, choking, and emaciation.
Yet in the midst of horrific circumstances and unimaginable emotional turmoil, the text says Job did not sin.
Disobedience to God is not circumstantial.
Disobedience is always a condition of the heart, not the circumstance. #CBWhyClick To Tweet
We think our rebellion against God is circumstantial. If it is our circumstances, and not our heart, we have an excuse for our sin.
Consider Adam and Eve. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. Both of them ultimately blamed God.
When we blame our sin on our circumstances, we are actually blaming God. #CBWhyClick To Tweet
We are blaming him for allowing the circumstances for happening to us.
Yet the story of Job shows us that sin does not reveal our circumstances; it reveals our hearts.
Consider our speech. We think our words do not mean much. Depending on the situation, any of us could say anything at any time. Yet Jesus said, “out of the overflow of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6.45). What we think as situational, God sees as a revelation of our true character.
As it is with speech, so it is with all action. Our disobedience reveals our hearts not our circumstances.
This truth should cause two responses:
1. It should cause us to take personal responsibility for our lives. We can’t blame others for what we do. While we are not responsible for what happens to us, we are responsible for how we respond to it. Our sin is not the fault of our parents, our upbringing, our culture, or any other circumstance. Our sin is always our responsibility.
2. It should cause us to see our deep need for forgiveness. If we can’t blame others for our sin and if we take responsibility for it, we will recognize our need for Jesus. He offers forgiveness to anyone who is willing to admit their need and, in humility, accept his gift.
For more on Job, see:
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