- Change The Odds
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- November 30, 2018
November 30, 2018
How to stay out of the headlines, a birthday reflection, and a two word question to ask yourself today
I turned 41 this week. Every year when Silas has a birthday, I write him a short letter which he won't read until the day I give him the book in which the letter is written. This year, I decided to write myself a letter as a way to reflect on what has been and what might be. Read it
Tonight, I published a simple article that is very important. As a pastor, I often interact with people after they have made horrific decisions. They often can't believe they have done it. However, their choices don't just happen out of the blue. There is a pattern. If you want to keep your name out of the newspaper and not be a part of community gossip, read
This year, I've been fixated on six words. I think these words can drastically change how we live our lives. The first two of these words should be considered every day. Read
I spent most of the day in the hospital with a couple of families. Every time I'm there, I'm amazed by the work of nurses. If you are interested in the nursing field, my friends at JBU are launching a new online program. Learn more
If you are looking for a gift for Christmas, books are a great idea. For those in a relationship
would be a great option. For everyone else,
would be a great read for the new year.
Have a great Friday.