October 11, 2020

I've got some news

The Opportunity

It's common for many, especially Christians, to curse the day in which we live. As we look at the brokenness of the world, it's easy to blame others for what is happening. But what strikes me is that Jesus shows us a different way. Want to know more, click below. 

First Look

My next book launches next spring. Our team is hard at work with finishing the details--editing, typesetting, etc. You won't hear much about it between now and the end of the year, but I did want to give you a first look at the cover. 

The book,

, is a challenge for us to reject being led by fear and instead choose the way of love. Imagine if your home was less driven by fear and more driven by love. 

There will be plenty of time between now and March to talk about the book but see below for the cover.  

Latest Articles

If you haven't checked out the blog lately, here are my three most recent articles:The Great Opportunity for those Who Claim JesusGood Leaders are Easily LedIn Chaotic Times Quiet the Voices

  If there is any way I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please don't hesitate to respond to this email or connect with me on social media (@kevinathompson).