October 27, 2017

20 ways to kill your relationship

For the past few years, October has been editing season for the next year's book. This October is no different. I haven't written as much this week (and probably won't in the coming weeks) as I work on edits for a book which should be published next October. I did write a key article on Wednesday. The Secret Seduction Eroding Your Relationship covers an important concept. Give it a read. Here's a quick read from last year--20 Ways to Kill Your Relationship. Are any of these elements at work in your marriage?Jenny claims I use to be funny. The key being "use to be." Have you ever heard about the time I was stoned? If not, check out the story HERE.I'm thankful for my friends at John Brown University who help support kevinathompson.com. I regularly refer parents to counselors for their children. One effective technique in helping children is play therapy. To learn more about play therapy, CLICK HERE.Have a great weekend,Kevin