Parenting Seminar

Tired of lashing out at your kids?

Are you tired of lashing out at your kids and not being the parent you know you are capable of being?

Do you sometimes wonder “Am I a bad mom?”

Well, your not! 

Sometimes we just forget: our main job is to love them. We try so hard to do everything else right, get them to school on time, feed them the right food, make sure they are clean and sleep on time. 

Why? So we don't feel judged. 

Are you ready to stop repeating the same mistakes and start connecting with your kids? Join me and my friend Samantha, a leadership coach from Denmark, in a unique interview series called: “Passionate About Parenting: How to keep calm, lead with love and be the loving mother that you are” CLICK HERE to grab your complimentary ticket NOW.

When you watch this show you learn how to get your kids to listen without yelling. Samantha talks very honestly with 20+ amazing experts on activities for kids, forgiveness, nutrition, boundaries, and much more. 

After watching this show you will shift your mind when it comes to parenting and you can let go of shame and blame - once and for all. 

Samantha shares her struggles with anger, and how she turned it back into love. So can you! 

Sign up here CLICK HERE and discover a NEW approach to parenting. 

Specifically, you will learn how to: 

  • Instantly let go of anger and create a connection with yourself and with your child

  • Feel like a successful parent who is in control (no matter what goes on) 

  • Show up as a grounded, compassionate role model 9 out of 10 times

I promise you this is different from any other parenting show you have seen. 

Some of the keys revealed are: 

  • How to apply honesty in order to create a connection  

  • How to make your anger and passion work for you, not against you

  • How to let go and stop trying to fix things

Come and JOIN ME  and my colleague Samantha, because she KNOWS what she is talking about when it comes to anger management for moms, and applying a positive parenting play. 

Samantha is helping hundreds of women around the world letting go of triggers using her 12 steps to lead with love, and her wonderful honest and authentic approach. 

Samantha struggled for many years with anger, hurting the ones she loved the most. She herself, grew up with a lot of love and A LOT of anger from her own mom. When her mom passed away Samantha started her life’s mission which is to help other mothers be in their loving powers. She did this by opening up and sharing about her own life while interviewing more than 100 of the world’s best experts.

Get ready for a very real show, with some hard truths, a lot of fun and big a-ha moments. 

When you watch this show you will get that missing part that makes all other parenting advice temporary. 

So, if you are ready to truly transform your life, CLICK HERE to grab your complimentary ticket NOW.
