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- Is Piña Colada the Best Marriage Song Ever?
Is Piña Colada the Best Marriage Song Ever?
The song isn’t even titled Piña Colada. In 1979, British singer Rubert Holmes released “Escape” which quickly shot up the charts and closed the 1970s as the number one song. Four decades later, the song is still regularly played on the radio. Nobody calls it by its actual title. They simply refer to it as “The Piña Colada Song” which is ironic since the original lyric was “If you like Humphrey Bogart and getting caught in the rain.” On his way to his last recording, Holmes decided to change the lyrics to the first mixed drink he could think of–Piña Colada. (See HERE for more on how Holmes wrote the song.)
The Familiar Story
The Piña Colada song is based on a simple premise of a man in a stale relationship–“I was tired of my lady, we’d been together too long.” He sees a personal ad in the paper and decides to meet the woman who left the ad. When he arrives he finds “my own lovely lady” was the one who had placed the original ad. The song implies that the two find with each other what they were hoping to find with a stranger–true romantic love.
The song might be the greatest marriage song ever written because it speaks to a common marital plight and offers a nearly universal solution. The problem is boredom. Every couple faces the danger of slipping into “the same old dull routine.” While predictability is a great aspect of a long-term relationship, it can also serve as a threat. Predictability can breed comfort, which is good. But it can also create boredom, which is bad.
Unfortunately, the characters in the song fail to take responsibility for their boring relationship. Rather than turning to one another and making changes, they attempt to turn outside the relationship. I see this mistake often. While the personal ad may no longer exist–the private Facebook message, suggestive Instagram post, or lingering after a workout at the gym still communicates the same availability told in the old newspaper ad.
Sadly many couples never realize that what they long for can be experienced in their current relationship. The marriage becomes so dry that they never consider the possibility of renewed passion or a reestablished intimacy. So they look elsewhere.
Of course, the least realistic aspect of the song is not the unlikelihood of a married couple answer each other’s anonymous ad. The unbelievable part of the story is both spouses saying “Oh it’s you. And we laughed for a moment. And said I never knew.” They wouldn’t laugh. Even as they caught their spouse doing the very thing they were doing, the result would be deep hurt and broken trust. The most likely ending to The Piña Colada Song is an ugly divorce, a drawn-out custody battle, and the need for counseling for years to come. (See: 7 Habits that Lead to Divorce)
Yet we always assume a better outcome. It’s because we believe the characters went on to experience a renewed relationship with one another. We believe it because deep down we know it is possible and we know it is best.
Piña Colada Power
While the song might subtly encourage poor decisions, the implied outcome should encourage couples to make choices which will breathe life back into their relationship. Every marriage might experience boring seasons, but no marriage is meant to be boring. We are supposed to be continually growing individually and together. Marriage is meant to include fun, excitement, intrigue, and uncertainty.
The tension (and tension is what creates intrigue) of the song is the risk that was taken in writing and answering a personal ad. While no individual should look outside their marriage for intimate satisfaction, we should regularly accept risk in order to improve our relationship.
a conversation you’ve been avoiding
trying a new hobby
marriage counseling
going a week and never rejecting sex
telling your spouse you want more from your relationship
doing something which your personality finds difficult
asking another couple to dinner and requesting their mentorship
taking a vacation together in a spot that makes you a little uncomfortable
reading a marriage book together and answering the questions at the end of each chapter
For some, nothing on this list seems risky. For others, every item seems too much to consider. The point is that relationships tend not to improve until at least one individual is willing to take a risk to make it better.
Escape Mediocrity
One of my greatest sorrows is knowing how many couples resign themselves to a mediocre relationship. While not every relationship can experience deep intimacy and close connection, most can and nearly every marriage can be improved. But it takes action. (See: Are You Bored with Life? Do This.)
While I know why the song is known as “The Piña Colada Song,” I like the title “Escape.” Many people would love to escape from the mediocre relationship they experience on a daily basis. And I encourage them to do just that. Yet escape is not found by avoiding issues and seeking a new relationship. True escape is found as we turn toward one another, admit what we want, and do whatever it takes to create that kind of relationship between the two of us.
The “love that you’ve looked for” truly is with your spouse.
Is The Piña Colada Song a good or bad song regarding marriage? What do you think is the best marriage song ever released?
The post Is Piña Colada the Best Marriage Song Ever? appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.