Most Read Parenting Posts of 2013

There is a simple process of how to write a meaningful piece on parenting: fail, learn, then blog. When done in that order, the piece can often be meaningful because everyone fails at parenting and everyone needs to learn.

I have learned many lessons this year because I have failed many times. In reviewing the topic of parenting, an interesting pattern emerged—what I liked the most is not what was read the most. My favorite articles did not appear in the most viewed articles of the year. So here are two lists from the category of parenting—my favorites and the most read posts.

My Favorites

Walking With My Son Through the Death of His Grandfather (and the follow-up piece Recognize Your Child’s Pain) Since my father-in-law died, it has been my job to assist my son in coping with his grief. It has been one of the most meaningful experiences I have had as a parent.

Shame On Me For Shaming Them Shame is often a favorite tools for parents, but we use it at our own risk.

A Parenting Lesson From Jesus The Incarnation is a deeply theological concept which has major ramifications on parenting.

On Throwing a Fit A funny line by my son taught me an important lesson on parenting and leadership.

Most Read

1. Sometimes It’s Better Not to Play When a local High School coach skipped an important game to be with his dying father and family, I thought it sent an important message of what was important.

2. What Every Parent Should Know as Kids Start Back to School Adults have a tendency of diminishing the concerns of children and believing a child’s life is easier than an adult’s. Watching children walk into school quickly changes that misconception.

3. Parenting: Too Involved, Not Involved Enough Parents are often too involved in places they should not be and not involved enough in the areas where they should be.

4. How to Parent an Adult Child Who Is Making Bad Decisions This article was not read very much when it was first released but is the most Googled article on parenting I have written this year.

5. Why You Should Never Yell at a Tee Ball Umpire At every moment we are modeling to our children how they should act. When we disrespect authority, we are teaching our children to disrespect us.

 What was your favorite article of 2013? What issue would you like covered in 2014?