Small Book With a Big Message

I was driving to work yesterday when the two-lane road I was on expanded to three lanes. The yellow-dashed line was exchanged for some white paint and a very clear arrow. As I looked before me, the three lanes could not be more clear—one was to go north, one was to turn west, and one was to go south. As long as everyone followed those directions, everything would be fine. If anyone dared skew from those directions, the result could be death.

Looking at the lanes, I thought, “if only life were so clear.”

It’s not. We have not clearly defined what should and shouldn’t happen in many areas. The result—people are confused, fighting, and struggling.

This is what Stay In Your Lane was created to change.

Join over 5,000 people currently reading the book

For years, I’ve been using the simple formula found in Stay In Your Lane to help people clarify the answer to three simple questions. What starts with rolled eyes or questioning smirks, often ends with people being amazed at how much clarity and empowerment can come from the answer to these questions.

While we control far less in life than we desire, we have so much ownership that we don’t have much time to think about anything other than What’s Mine. When we change our focus of attention from the things we don’t control and put them on the things which are our responsibility, life changes.

The book is designed to apply to many areas of life, but it has several specific applications:

  • parenting (especially parenting teenagers and adult children

  • business—show me a leader who has clearly defined the roles of others and I’ll show you a business with frustrated employees

  • sports—when each player knows their role, they can become a team

  • extended family—I’m not saying your mother-in-law should read this book, but she should

While Stay In Your Lane can’t solve your problems, it can give you a pathway to help you solve your problems. I think that’s why within 48 hours of the book's release, over 5,000 people are already engaging the six words that form the book's core message.

Grab a copy, take 90 minutes, and see if the book doesn’t help you worry less, love more, and get things done.



p.s. If you are interested in bulk orders, respond to this email. I’d be happy to Zoom into your small group or business meeting. I also have a few dates open this summer to visit churches for a one night on this topic.