A Sunday Sermon About Married Sex

Preachers do not preach very often about sex.

In fairness, there are a lot of topics which need to be covered and only one Sunday a week. However, we should talk about it more. Our sex-saturated culture needs to hear what the Bible has to say about healthy sexuality.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul confronted two sexual sins taking place in the church: some saw nothing wrong with having sex with everyone while others saw nothing wrong with avoiding sex with their own spouse. Both mindsets were corrupting the church and injuring individuals.

Here is a sermon from 1 Corinthians 7.1-5. (If the video doesn’t work, click here.)

11 Posts About Married Sex

I’ve written a good amount about sex. Here are 11 posts which apply directly to married sex. I think #2 is my favorite.

For more, see: