Three Lies Christians Tell Themselves

It’s one of the big ten—don’t lie.

Every Christian knows that we shouldn’t lie. Serving the God of Truth, we should reflect that truth in the most major or the most mundane ways.

While everyone lies, the gospel frees us to admit our tendency to lie and to have the courage to tell the truth—both to ourselves and others.

It doesn’t give us the ability to say whatever we want in the name of truth, but it does give us the command to say what is right and necessary within the context of Christian love.

Christians should tell the truth. (See: God Called Me vs. I Want To)

But sometimes we don’t.

Sometimes we lie and very often, we lie to ourselves. (See: You Don’t Know That I’ll Be Fine)

Here are the three biggest lies Christians tell themselves:

1. I can be obedient to God without the church. You can be a Christian and not go to church. Faith is not ultimately determined by one action or inaction. Christians “can do” all sorts of things. If you doubt that, take a look at the major Biblical characters. While being a Christian is determined by what Christ has done for us more than what we do for Christ, there are many things which a Christian cannot do and still be obedient to God. Involving oneself with a local church is something a Christian should do.

Failing to be involved with a church doesn’t necessarily negate one’s faith, but it does clearly reveal a heart which is not fully obedient to God. The church is God’s idea. He created it and he planned for Christians to be involved with it. Yet many Christians have come to the conclusion that the church is no longer a necessary part of their faith journey.

Approaching it from a consumeristic mentality, they see nothing in it for them. Of course, they also fail to see that part of God’s redemption plan was to use relationships with others to expose our sinful hearts and to apply his teaching. God desires us to serve others and much of that service begins with a local body of believers.

One can be a Christian and not go to church, but I struggle to imagine many scenarios where one can exclude themselves from a body of believers and still be obedient to God.

2. I can share my faith without using words. Every believer understands that sharing their faith is part of faith. We tell others what God has done for us. Yet a common misconception continues to grow which says that we can tell the gospel story solely based on the lives we live. (See: What I Mean When I Say ‘You Are a Sinner’)

Our lives are important. When we fail to live by the gospel, it weakens are testimony to others. What we do either assists or distracts from the gospel story. Yet the gospel is good news. It is not something which can be shown; it is something which must be told. Our faith can only be shared with words.

The old saying goes, “Preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary.” I understand the quote, but it is greatly misleading. The gospel requires words. We cannot share our faith without words. Our lives are important, but so are our words. We can show others that our faith influences everything we do, but the gospel ultimately requires us to tell others what Christ has done for them.

3. I can have a one-time experience and that be enough. I have no doubt that someone can have a one-time experience with Jesus and go to heaven. As they are breathing their last breath, their eyes can be opened to faith and God can rescue them. Yet that story is rare.

When grace is truly received, it changes lives. There is no way someone can have a deeply meaningful understanding of God’s love and his saving grace and then live the rest of their lives without any transforming effect. It can’t happen.

Far too many people put too much stock in a one-time experience of praying a prayer, walking an aisle, getting baptized, or being confirmed, and they base their entire eternal security on that one experience. I think praying a prayer is great. I did so on May 5, 1988. I think walking an aisle is wonderful. I did so the morning May 8, 1988. I think getting baptized is wonderful. I did so the night of May 8, 1988. Those were meaningful moments of my life and my eternal security was no longer in question the moment I prayed the prayer.

However, if from that moment there had not been a single shred of evidence of God’s grace at work within me, I would have no reason to believe my eternal security is set. A one-time experience in the past is never the Biblical question regarding the salvation of an individual.  The question, “Are you a follower of Jesus?” is far more important than “Have you been saved?”

Becoming a Christian is a change of direction in life, it is not a hoop to jump through as we continue to live as we wish.

Christians know they aren’t supposed to lie, but on a weekly basis I hear some version of these lies as people tell them to themselves and others. No matter how good they sound, they are simply lies.

Are you tired of lying to yourself?

Start telling the truth. Find a local church, tell your story to a friend, follow Jesus.

If you need help doing any of these, I would love to hear from you.

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