Top 5 Marriage Posts of 2015

I’m a marriage blogger. As much as I don’t want to be narrowed down to a single topic, a quick look at the stats prove that most people read this website for content on marriage. Of the 15 most read posts in 2015, 13 of them are on the topic of marriage. The only non-marriage posts which break the top 15 are How to Parent an Adult Child Who is Making Bad Decisions and A Dangerous Assumption About God’s Will.

While most of the Top 15 are old posts, several articles from 2015 caught the attention of a good number of people.

Here are the Top 5 marriage posts of the year:

1. Marriage Still Works This article was written in response to a story that went viral on Facebook. The author claimed that marriage is an outdated institution and millions of people read his theory of why marriage no longer works. Thankfully, the author ignored statistics and the experience of many people who find marriage very meaningful. This was my rebuttal to his article.

2. Five Ways to Ruin a Good Relationship This is my best “Facebook post” of the year. I call it a “Facebook post” because it is short, easily scan-able, and has a number to begin the title. These types of articles are good to share and do well on social media. It applies to more than just marriage, but this is a good list for married couples to review.


3. Beware of the Crossfit Affair This was my most controversial marriage post of the year. I expected a little kick-back, but never expected the amount I received. A little disagreement makes me doubt myself, but a great deal of venom regarding an article makes me confident I hit something. Within an hour of publication, I knew this article was more true than I realized.

4. One Habit that Starves Your Marriage This is my favorite marriage article of the year. “Good isn’t good unless it’s shared.” We must cultivate good moments within a relationship because negative interactions are guaranteed. While this is useful for all couples, this article is specifically useful for couples who have children still at home.

5. Three People You Should Marry It wasn’t the most read post of the year, but it is the most useful post for me from 2015. It formed the skeleton for my 2015 marriage conferences, helped create one of my favorite sermon series of last year, and forms the outline of my next book.

In a few weeks the calendar will change and 2016 will arrive. I plan on writing about marriage at least 50 times next year. It’s always fun to see what topics strike a cord and which ones do not.

The post Top 5 Marriage Posts of 2015 appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.