Top 5 Sex Posts of 2014

Sex was not a topic I wrote a lot about in 2014, but when I did write, it was a topic which many people read.

I’ve said it before, but I find the social media response to an article about sex absolutely hilarious. Nobody shares the articles on Facebook. I mean nobody. Some of my articles on sex have the fewest shares of any articles I write. Yet nearly everyone reads the articles about sex.

So everyone is interested in the topic, but no one wants their mom or grandmother (or daughter or grand-daughter) to know they are interested. (See: Top 5 Sex Posts of 2013)

The year was most defined by a sermon I preached about married sex. I’ve never had a crowd pay such close attention to a 48 minute sermon. While it was a record crowd at church at morning, far more people have watched the sermon online than heard it live.

Normally when I do a “best of” post, I list the posts and give a brief description on each posts. Yet, on this topic I think the titles are interesting enough.

Here are the Top 5 Sex Posts of 2014:

I do not plan on writing much about sex in 2015. There are a couple of articles I’ve already written, but have not published (yes, I’m a little scared). I’m sure I’ll cover the topic 7–8 times in the next year. I really want to put my articles on the topic into a e-book just so I can tell people “I wrote the book on sex.” We will see if that happens.

Now that you’ve read the article, I dare you to share it on Facebook. Ha.

The post Top 5 Sex Posts of 2014 appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.