[Video] The 7 Series: Parenting (Episode 1)

For the past few weeks, we have been working on a new project. I wanted to give you an early preview and get your thoughts.

The format is a video podcast and the topic is parenting.

Few things are as complicated as parenting. Every day I speak with parents who understand the importance of their role, but are confused about how to best carry out their duties.

What if parenting could be simplified?

Nothing can make parenting easy, but the responsibilities of parents can be narrowed down to a few simple words.

The 7 Series: Parenting will simplify the role of a parent into seven simple words. The first word is authority.

If parents can understand the foundation of their parenting responsibilities is found in the authority God has given them, it can dramatically influence their understanding of their parental role.

Watch the video, share it on Facebook and Twitter, and please leave a comment to let me know how we can assist you in becoming an effective parent.

Show Notes:

The foundation of parenting is authority. It is what distinguishes a parent from all other relationships.

Authority gives us the expectation to parent, but it is also what frustrates us the most about parenting.

Remember: no one likes authority, including your children. Don’t be surprised when your children are frustrated by you.

Authority should come from a deep compassion. We know what it is like to dislike having an authority over us.

Before we are over our children, we are under God’s authority.

We should submit to God in the way we want our children to submit to us.

Modeling is the best tool of parenting when it comes to the issue of authority.

Our children are watching every interaction with we have authority (police, bosses, etc.).

What parents don’t like to admit is that we have often taught our children to reject our authority.

Two ways to miss authority: being too demanding or rejecting our authorative role by trying to be our child’s best friend.

Your child needs a best friend and it doesn’t need to be you. They need you to be a parent.

“Because we both have to submit to God, you need to do what I say even as I am trying to do what God says.”

Our children are not wise enough to see the big picture; we better be.

Our children will submit to someone so we should embrace our authorative role in their lives.

Authority does not mean, “you do what I say.” It means, I will use my strength in your best interests.

The ultimate goal of our authority is not cold obedience, but willful submission to God.

For more, see: