Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


You need somebody. And probably somebodies. Last night I was talking to a friend. As we exchanged stories about life and family, he encouraged me. I’m not sure he realized it, but in telling his stories he gave me peace about a situation. What I perceived it would be like was not what he was […]

The post Every Couple Needs a Couple appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

When I was in college I listened to a politician do a Q&A with students when one student asked the question, “How can you be a Democrat when you know Jesus would’ve never been a Democrat?” I don’t remember the answer the politician gave, but I do remember the stunned silence before he began his […]

How much time will you spend with your spouse today? An hour? Thirty minutes? Five minutes? How much quality, one-on-one time will you spend with your spouse that does not revolve around the kids, work, or managing day-to-day life? None? Well no wonder you don’t love each other any more. (See: You Chose This) It […]

Adults are supposed to be different than children. Time, experience, and physical growth should produce maturity. Maturity allows us to think rationally, put things in context, and understand what is and isn’t important. My 6-year-old cries when he doesn’t get a toy because he is immature. He doesn’t understand there will be more toys, more opportunities, and even if […]

The post A Forgotten Sign of Adulthood appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

All the greats have this is common. Although they have different talents. Although they excel in different areas. Although their approaches are unique. (See: Every Successful Person I Know Does This) Every person who has become great in their field has this in common—they have a coach. It’s a fact which often amazes me. I […]