Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


This summer, in response to multiple stories about football players being involved in domestic or sexual abuse and continuing to play football, I wrote a story. (See: How Football Can Protect Women) The story was part of a larger plan. I wanted every college and professional coach asked if they would commit to never playing a […]

Anytime race becomes part of the social narrative, one of the most common statements I hear is “why can’t we just get over it and stop talking about it?” It sounds appealing–let’s forget the past and assume everyone is equal. Yet there is a reason we can’t do that. (See: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t […]

Married couples do not talk enough. There are exceptions, but they are rare. A majority of couples fail to communicate on a regular basis and this lack of communication strips the relationship of intimacy, adds stress, and can lead to one or both spouses feeling unheard and unknown. I’m always amazed at what a little extra […]

Do you know what you should’ve done? You should’ve never asked that question. In nearly every situation, it is a useless statement. Aside from the coach who is looking for mistakes in practice so she can correct them before the game, the question “Do you know what you should’ve done?” should never be asked. (See: […]

World renown atheist, Richard Dawkins created a social media firestorm last week when he encouraged couples who received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome to abort the child. He went as far as to say it is “immoral” to bring a child with Down syndrome into the world since the child cannot contribute as much […]