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Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Most nights as I put Silas to bed, I allow him to watch a video before we listen to music as he slips off to sleep. The videos range from Biblical stories to episodes of River Monsters, from old clips of Gilligan’s Island to the latest clean comedian. When Silas was five we were watching a National Geographic documentary. I expected a scene about a fearsome alligator catching some unsuspecting prey, but instead we foundContinue Reading...

It’s an unplanned societal experiment. Young people are choosing to delay marriage in a way no society has ever chosen to do. The consequences of this decision are yet to be seen. Maybe it will be useful. The thought is that by putting career first, someone will enter marriage more focused and mature. It’s a fair hope. My concern that that there may be some unintended consequences of this experiment. Don’t Rush I agree, marriageContinue Reading...

It can be uncomfortable if you are a guest in our house. It might feel disrespectful. If we are sitting at the dinner table and my phone vibrates, I sometimes instinctively look to see the message. If my daughter catches me, she calls me out. “No phones at the table, Daddy.” Our guests nervously look at me to see how I will respond to being publicly corrected by a child. On good days, my responseContinue Reading...

The post When My Kids May Rebuke Me appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Sometimes we need permission. When Jenny and I first met, we were in college. After a year of dating, we moved to Birmingham so I could attend graduate school. That first Christmas in Alabama we came home and got iced in for two weeks. On our way back to Birmingham, Jenny made a striking statement. “I don’t like the Fort Smith you,” she said. I was confused by her statement so I asked her whatContinue Reading...

The post You Have Permission to Be You appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

A current commercial shows four officials gathering to discuss an important call during a football game. No one knows the right call so the referee instructs one official to make the sign for a bobbled ball while he instructs another official to act like it’s a really tough call. He then says they will break the huddle confidently and make the call. The only problem: the microphone is on and everyone has heard the conversation.Continue Reading...

The post Parent for Them, Not for You appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.