Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Last month in honor of our 15th wedding anniversary, I made a list of 15 Tips for a Better Marriage. As I wrote the article, I asked Jenny to make her own list of 15 things she believed were important when it comes to marriage. Below is her list. However, I couldn’t just let her write her own post, so I have included my commentary. Her list is in bold, my commentary follows each point.Continue Reading...

Would you ask the question? Your time is limited. The demands upon you are nearly overwhelming. There is so much to do that every second given to one issue is a second taken from another important issue. The question is unnecessary. It will not change your actions. The person has a problem and you can fix it. Nothing else really matters. You don’t need to know their story, but they will feel better if they areContinue Reading...

The post Do More Than Just Fix It appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Whenever I stand before a couple and they boldly profess their love for one another, they can’t fathom a day in which that feeling of love won’t come naturally. Their love feels overwhelming. While they cognitively understand love is a common feeling, emotionally it seems as though they are experiencing something no one else has ever experienced. (See: When You Feel What No One Else Has Ever Felt) Because of these emotions, it is nearlyContinue Reading...

Do I really have to explain this? Sadly, in today’s culture the answer is yes. There is a difference between the nipples of a woman and the nipples of a man. It’s not sexist. Women are not being held back because of it. There is no great battle to fight in order to free the nipple. In our society, men can walk around without a shirt while women should wear one. This is not disrespectful toContinue Reading...

When Rachel Dolezal was exposed as having deceived the public about her race, intentionally misleading others, and knowingly allowing media outlets to wrongly describe her ethnic background, Dolezal defended her actions by describing herself as transracial. Taking a commonly-used term meant to describe an adoption involving differing races, Dolezal attempted to use the term as a defense of appearing to be something she was not. She claimed to identify more as a person of a race differing herContinue Reading...