Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


There is a difference between public and private behavior. What is perfectly acceptable behind closed doors can be totally inappropriate in public. At the same time, some things are always inappropriate. Healthy marriages consist of two people who can discern the difference between private things and public things. Oftentimes through failure, happy couples openly communicate about hurts and offenses, learning how to be a better spouse to one another. While both sexes can break theContinue Reading...

Boredom is often seen as a problem for school-age students out for summer vacation. They long to get out of school only to nag their mom with constant whines of “I’m bored.” But boredom is equally prevalent among young men, middle-aged woman, and senior adults. A bored child is good. It gives them time to think, develop, and dream. Parents shouldn’t solve their children’s boredom as much as helping them navigate through it. A boredContinue Reading...