Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


“Do you believe this?” It’s a question Jesus asked Martha which demanded an answer. It’s a question we can fairly assume God asks all of us. Do we believe? To the Christian, all of eternity changes by the answer to this question. To refuse belief is to cast our lot with ourselves. It’s to commit our eternal destiny to chance or to our own ability to earn whatever we desire. It’s to go our ownContinue Reading...

A satisfying sex life should be the pursuit for most married couples. Outside of extenuating circumstances, intimacy is integral to a strong marriage. When couples foolishly ignore sex pretending as though it doesn’t matter or believing there is nothing they can do to change it, their apathy puts them on a dangerous path of failure. (See: Intimacy is Far More than Sex) While marriage is much more than sex, we can’t deny the central roleContinue Reading...

Few of us have days so bad that we are forever remembered by that one moment, but that’s the story of Thomas. We don’t know what plans he had scheduled for that day, but they were plans which would forever haunt him. For whatever reason, he wasn’t with the disciples when Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection. It was a life-altering experience for those in the room, but Thomas missed it. When the disciplesContinue Reading...

We need to be better people, especially on Facebook. Social media has such potential. I’ve stayed in contact with old friends who before social media would have been long forgotten. I’ve met new people with whom I would have never had knowledge of without Facebook. I’ve engaged conversations, learned insights, and gained deeper perspectives all because of the diversity of friends which social media creates. But for all the benefits of social media, its downsidesContinue Reading...