Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


It’s Good Friday. Not sad Friday or Forgettable Friday. It’s not Ashamed Friday or “I can’t believe we did that” Friday. We call it Good Friday. Everything you need to know about the Christian story is summarized in the name of this day. What other faith, religion, or worldview would commemorate the murder of its leader by calling that day good? Only Jesus could make Friday good. (See: You Can’t Prove Jesus) The message ofContinue Reading...

Marriages fail for a variety of reasons. Some buckle under the weight of bills that can’t be paid while others suffer due to an inability to handle financial prosperity. Some wither from an absence of time to spent together while others suffocate from spending every waking moment together. Some stall because neither spouse is growing or developing while others separate because each spouse is growing too quickly but in opposite directions. (See: Three People YouContinue Reading...

Disagreeing with America’s first black President is not racism; it’s democracy. One of the great joys of America is the ability to passionately vocalize one’s opposition to our country’s leader. Social media makes this freedom even more powerful. Our voices aren’t just heard by those in our houses or offices. They are also heard by anyone who follows us on Twitter or friends us on Facebook. It’s a privilege to disagree with power and most Americans are goodContinue Reading...

You need to feel sad. Not all the time. Not even most of the time. But some time, more often than you desire, you need to feel sorrow. And in some seasons of life, your sorrow may be long-lasting. (See: What the Smartest People Rarely Know) We live in a diagnosis culture. Every ailment, every illness, every set of symptoms awaits a proper diagnosis. It’s a great part of the day in which we live. IContinue Reading...