Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


You don’t talk to your best friend the way you talk to your grandma. That’s not debated. Much of what determines if a conversation is proper or improper is context. The presence or absence of children dictates how we talk about mature topics. How well we know or don’t know those in the room influences how much personal information we can reveal. It’s true, there are times in which boys will be boys. When womenContinue Reading...

Sunday night the church where I pastor will celebrate its 20th anniversary. I haven’t been there the whole time–I missed the first meeting. But I made the second worship service and have been involved ever since. While I wasn’t able to be active while in graduate school, the day after I graduated Jenny and I moved home and began working at the church. Over the years there have been many great memories. I’m often struckContinue Reading...