Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


When I was in second grade, a classmate was sent to the office to retrieve the paddle. When he returned to class, he reported the principle did not have the paddle. The teacher never second-guessed his answer. Later that afternoon, when school was nearly out, the teacher allowed us to go in pairs to retrieve […]

Coming Soon: We’ve just shot a seven-week series on parenting which we will be releasing soon. Look for it in the upcoming weeks. One of the perks of the pastorate is having multiple relationships with psychologists and therapists. I’m friends with several, pastor many, and work in the same office with two. This puts me […]

The post One Thing Parents Control appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Ebola is real. I know that. You know that. Nearly everyone knows that. Yet in a small country in Africa, a woman in a small village believes the disease is made up. She thinks powerful western countries have invented the concept of Ebola in order to control the people in her village and the surrounding […]

The post Divorce Is Contagious appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Who do you want to be in one of those moments? You know “those moments.” The moments: when the stakes are high and the choices are serious. which define not just individuals, but whole families, companies, and communities. which cause most people to make bad choices, lose reputations, and to fold under pressure. We all […]

The post You Better Make Up Your Mind appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

My six-year-old doesn’t always like being six. He thinks life is unfair. He sees his nine-year-old sister and thinks life will be better at nine. He sees all the privileges she enjoys because of her age, but he doesn’t see any of the added responsibilities. He has concluded life is better at nine than six. […]