Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


There is a subtle difference between political courage and political cowardice. We think there is a gulf between the two. The results are so radically different we can’t imagine that anyone would ever confuse such polar opposites. Yet it happens often. Cowardice often masquerades as courage. No one wants to admit they are acting in cowardice, especially someone whose livelihood is built on public opinion. We don’t like cowards so politicians can’t be seen asContinue Reading...

Everyone lies. Long before the fictional character Gregory House on the medical drama House, MD said it, the Bible illustrated it. Part of human nature is a natural tendency to use our words to deflect, hide, appease, or manipulate others. We all lie: The fish wasn’t as big as we said The score wasn’t as low as we claimed The ball was actually inside the line and not out Everyone lies. No we aren’t “fine.”Continue Reading...

The post A Litmus Test for His Love appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

Life is going to have bad days. It’s guaranteed. Try as we may to avoid it, many of the sorrows of life cannot be bypassed. Some can. Many of the bad things people experience are a result of their own poor choices. We should avoid these. We should make wise choices, seek good counsel, avoid stupidity, and do everything in our power to prevent bad things from happening to us. I often say life isContinue Reading...

The post Embrace the Bad Days appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

The difference between a good family and a bad family is not the presence or absence of bad things. It’s how those bad things are handled. Sometimes bad things happen in good families: a parent gets laid off a teenager gets arrested a marriage dissolves an adult child rebels an affair happens the family name appears in a negative headline Bad things don’t just happen in bad families. Despite good choices, hard work, right priorities,Continue Reading...

If you aren’t growing, you are dying. It’s true for every aspect of a relationship, including intimacy. Before death occurs, there are warning signs. Wise couples watch for these red flags and take swift action when they see a warning. When it comes to dying intimacy several areas form good predictors that trouble is around the corner. 7 Red Flags for Dying Intimacy: 1. A decline in non-sexual touch. When it comes to intimacy, ourContinue Reading...

Love motivates us to say hard things. Hurt drives us to say harsh things. There is a difference. (See: Use Hard Words, Not Harsh Words) When I was in college, I did an internship. It was one of the most meaningful learning experiences in my formal education. For a month, I worked as a chaplain at a large hospital near my college town. In a short period of time, I experienced a lot of life.Continue Reading...

The post Don’t Let Them Define You appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.