Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


Today is Ella’s 11th birthday. Hours after her birth, my friend (and her pediatrician) came to our room to deliver the diagnosis of Down syndrome. In that moment, I had very little clue what Down syndrome truly looked like. I had been around a few kids with the condition. But I don’t remember having seen any adult with Ds. At the time, the mental image I had of Down syndrome was loving, but sad. ItContinue Reading...

Power struggles are a common characteristic of unhealthy marriages. As a relationship goes bad, couples stop interacting with one another on an equal plane and start trying to get the upper-hand in the relationship. Money, morality, and intelligence are all used to show why I should have control of the relationship. (See: Appreciation in Marriage) I’m smarter than you, so I’m in control. You are immoral, so I get to say what we do. IContinue Reading...

After a recent meeting with Evangelical leaders, the internet is ablaze with stories about Trump praying “the sinner’s prayer” and becoming a Christian. Apparently he has had similar experiences with several pastors and leaders causing the religious right to trumpet his newfound faith. But Christians and voters both have a right to be skeptical about a newfound faith of a politician, especially when it occurs just months before an election. How do we know whenContinue Reading...

Parents lie to children. Most lies aren’t told with malicious intent. Most of them are told for convenience. It’s often easier in the moment to tell a child some white lie which will appease them rather than telling an aspect of the truth which might lead to more questions. “Where do babies come from?” Johnny asks. Johnny’s mom could take the time to consider Johnny’s age, narrow down the most relevant facts, and tell JohnnyContinue Reading...