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Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


It drives my wife insane. The kids are yelling, whining, or just being kids and I don’t move. I hear them, but I don’t care. They aren’t in danger and do not require my intervention in their activity. I can drown them out as though they aren’t saying a word. For Jenny, it’s impossible. Their […]

It was in a story yesterday morning: “Marriage is just the flip of a coin.” Because of this “fact” the writer was making the case that being a swinger is an acceptable lifestyle and one which should not only be accepted, but actually encouraged. It was in a phone call yesterday afternoon. The magic is […]

A day will come in which my name will not be remembered. Every word spoken and written, every life influenced, and legacy left will be erased. My guess is it will happen far sooner than I can imagine. It will only take a few generations before my name is no more. Yet even before that […]

The post Two Deceptions Regarding Time appeared first on Kevin A. Thompson.

I’m the dad who prefers to walk my children into school. I know the days are quickly passing in which they allow me to do so, so for now, I park the car, grab their hands, and escort them to class. It only takes a few minutes, but they are informative minutes. I learn a […]

Jenny and I are on vacation this week so I’m happy to have Tim Stevens guest posting. Tim has just released a new book, Fairness Is Overrated: And 51 Other Leadership Principles to Revolutionize Your Workplace. I have to ask a question. Mom, Do your kids know that your husband is the most important person […]

Christopher Reeves, best known for his portrayal of Superman, once told the students at Yale, “When matters of public policy are being debated, no religion should have a seat at the table—that is what is provided for in the Constitution.” It’s a common belief in today’s society. Many assume the Constitution separates the discussion of practical […]