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Weekly Newsletter

finding wisdom in a foolish world


“Forgive,” they say. “Even if they aren’t asking for it. Forgive. Do it for yourself.” It’s good advice. Forgiveness is a powerful act which doesn’t free the guilty party, but frees the victim from being held captive by the past actions of another. It doesn’t undo the event. It doesn’t cause someone to forever forget. It simply creates the possibility for healing to begin. But what happens when you try to forgive and it doesn’tContinue Reading...

Proximity matters in marriage. In healthy marriages, couples devise ways to spend more time near one another. In unhealthy marriages, couples subconsciously drift away from one another. Proximity is both a causation and correlation to marital satisfaction. Few things forge friendships as much as proximity. Consider your first friend. I can almost guarantee you that friend either lived next door or was in your 1st grade class. In the beginning of dating relationships, a coupleContinue Reading...